Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

The streets of Fresno run like a river with calREDD's blood, sweat and tears…

Some quick observations:


1. All MLS conversions are rough, with few exceptions. But more times than not the MLS provider and vendor make it happen. I’ve never heard of a MLS provider going back to the old MLS system. What happen at Fresno MLS is unprecedented in the MLS industry.


2. One of the unwritten rules about businesses competing against each other is “not to bash the competition“, make it on your own merits.

Check out this web page on calREDD web site. It’s basically a litany of Rapattoni bashing. And it doesn’t end there, Mike Silvas keeps up the Rapattoni bashing on this blog. Bad form calREDD. Instead of blaming others, own up to your mistakes, learn from them, and make sure your next installation goes smoothly.


3. There have been a few comments that I have had to remove or block from this blog. They were just too hateful in nature. Not to mention the many anonymous postings. If you have something to say, own up to it.


4. What is still not clear to me is the MLS system itself. It’s unfortunate that Rich Igou and his team will, most likely, not be able to make a statement about what happen. Reports are the Concentric MLS system is very innovative. And we need more innovation in this industry.

Secret Fresno MLS calREDD memo leaked!

You read it here first on Vendor Alley!

Fresno MEMO

calREDD is Dead…..in Fresno

calREDD Statewide MLS system
calREDD Statewide MLS system

Holy cow!!

Word on the street is that Frenso MLS has pulled the plug on calREDD and their MLS Vendor Concentric Software.

With over 50 comments complaining about the MLS conversion is easy to see why.

We will update as more details come in!!

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