Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

W+R Studios not accepting RETS feeds on new MLS implementations

A line in the sand: W+R Studios won’t accept old listing data standard
The real estate software vendor has fully embraced RESO Web API and will not accept new customer data sent using the Real Estate Transaction Standard (RETS)

Robertson said to his knowledge, his company is the first vendor to no longer accept new RETS feeds.
W+R Studios has spent a lot of money developing its platform to ingest RETS feeds and all 320 of its MLS customers use RETS, but the company wanted to show the change could be done, according to Robertson.
“We’ve always wanted to try to help move the industry forward. We wanted to set an example for everybody else,” he said in a phone interview.
“This is hopefully going to make making products easier. Hopefully [developers will] make more products and [that would] mean more choices for agents going forward,” he added.

Inman News

I think Andrea did a good job of capturing our intent. I’m sure this is going to be a challenge as many of MLS are part of the “long tail”.

Who’s with us?

  1. Woo hoo! Awesome job to take the lead on this important issue Greg! So proud of you guys for being the first! Let us know how we can help you! We’re totally with you! Someone had to start the movement and so glad it was you! Maybe we do a data standards dance now too! Lots of connectivity and fluidity perhaps? Dance is slower with standards and then gets really fast once standards are in place, perhaps? 🙂

  2. On behalf of RESO, thank you for pushing yourselves out here like this! I know I have gotten eye rolls when I have said we are pushing vendors to an API only approach, but I am a firm believer in the API and pushing both the MLS and Vendor communities to more fully adopt the technology is going to only help our brokerages. Great job and many thanks to Dan and the dev team at W&R for being early adopters and helping mature the technology. (Ok…ok thanks to Greg as well!)

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