Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

NAR 2009 Death List?

One of the many weird things last week was how many companies were declared dead or dying. Rob Hahn, aka The Nortorious R.O.B., sure lived up to this moniker, had the largest body count with 3 companies.

Rob’s post last Friday, at the RPR session, declared both eNeighborhoods and OnBoard were dying.

Rob went on later on to declare “the death of RPR” that Saturday. Ouch!

Brian Boero echoed the death theme in a blog post by repeating the often whispered nickname given to the RPR as “The Reaper”.

Others were even declaring the death of MLS! Or that LPS‘ “uber deal” with NAR, was a stab in the heart to First American.

Another interesting story I heard was that C.A.R.’s calREDD initiative was going to be scuttled (remorphed in to something else?) in the next month or so, but this is old news to me.

This doesn’t sound like a NAR conference, it sounds like a Slasher Film!!

I’m not sure I agree with all these dire predictions but one thing is for sure, a lot of blood will be spilled.

  1. I am sure that few of those companies will go down without a fight –

    Good news is that Cloud CMA is going live! Keep up the good work. You and your team have done an excellent job.

    Just goes to show the renewal of life after death.

  2. I’ll repost here what I wrote on the Twitters:

    It seems unlikely that RPR tools will become THE ONLY tools used by agents. That just means commoditization. Brokers, agents and others will likely still look for other tools to differentiate themselves.

    MLSs and vendors shouldn’t panic and assume that there will be no market for their services.

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