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CMLS 2013 a recap with photos

What got lost in the brouhaha on the last day of CMLS 2013 was what an awesome conference it truly was.

My hats off to Greg Manship of Intermountain MLS and Jay Gordon of Willamette Valley MLS. They along with both their staff pulled off an incredible event. I should also thank Sarah and the CMLS BOD of directors. All of us were a little worried about holding the event in Boise, ID. Turns out we didn’t have to worry, Boise is awesome and everyone showed!

I’m told the attendance reached over 580 participants, which is huge! While the buzz on the last day was the most talked about it the overall event was fantastic. The side conversations and networking were as compelling as the sessions. And I think I had 2 hours worth of “10 Minute Martinis”.

The publicity around the broker panel along with the location (Huntington Beach, CA) should make next year’s conference break all records in attendance.

I took some pictures at the event you can check out here on the Vendor Alley Flickr Site. Enjoy!

Vendor Alley Flickr Feed – CMLS 2013

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