Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Who’s next at REALTOR.com?

I’ve been asked and have been thinking who might be a good replacement for Errol’s position at MOVE. It’s an interesting question. Although I believe Errol’s role had changed over time. So to me the person is about:
1. Repairing the damage.
2. Offer some fresh thinking.
3. Reaching out (schmooze) to the industry to help execute the plan.

And I do realize this position might be considered a step down from their current gig, but I’ve found successful people like a challenge and a new stage once in awhile. Also, while I think there are a lot of persons that are qualified for the position I didn’t include them because they couldn’t offer all three. Here’s my short list, in no particular order, with a bit of commentary.

Marnie Blanco, Executive Director, Strategic Accounts – Dotloop
Marnie is a triple threat. She was instrumental in launching remax.com’s “network of broker IDX websites”.

Sherry Chris, President and CEO of Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate , LLC
I get the impression Sherry likes a challenge. Maybe another Canadian could do the job.

Rebecca Jensen, CEO at UtahRealEstate.com/Wasatch Front Regional MLS
She runs an MLS, a successful public portal, and a software company (her MLS system is home grown), and leads RESO. ‘Nuff said.

Andy Woolley, Vice President- Homes Media Solutions
Super smart, been in the industry forever, respected, lives in California, plus I taught him everything he knows (he is going to love that!)

Art Carter, CEO of CRMLS
He already runs the largest MLS in the country. Manages tons of relationships, current president of CRMLS, and I know always loves a challenge. Think about it.

Kirby Slunaker, President & CEO at Metrolist
I’ve been impressed with Kirby over the last year. He’s taken a very tough position at Metrolist and successfully guided them through an MLS conversion. I call him “the outsider”, because he appears to take his experience from outside the industry and apply them to real estate. Which normally doesn’t work, but in his case, has. Perhaps he could do the same at realtor.com.

Bob Hale, President/CEO of Houston Association of REALTORS
No list would be complete with Bob, although I doubt he would consider it. But maybe, just maybe, Bob could show us all how its done.

So that’s my short list. I’m sure that I forgotten some (or maybe not). I didn’t include any internal candidates, I kept it outside the company. I would love to hear your thoughts on other choices and why.

  1. i don’t think Errol’s position gets replaced, actually. You and I can chat about that over drinks if you’d like. 🙂

    But if it were to be replaced in its current incarnation, my vote would be for the Godfather himself, David Charron. Except that I don’t know if David could have a boss at this stage in his career.

    Which would make my choice be Chris Crocker, of Zillow. Turnabout is fair play, I hear.

  2. I left guys like Dave and Russ off the list for exactly that reason. Bob I felt was different, he might do it if he could run the whole show.

    With Errol, Curt, Gregg, Jay, Chris, and Justin its hard to keep track of what everyone does up there.

    I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again. Never in the history of mankind has 57 year old women been so coveted.

  3. I it has been said on Inman today and I echo it hear…Rob Hahn! If they can’t afford Rob then Chris Crocker or Jason White (Blocksy) with Bob Beamis as his right hand.

  4. Charles El-Moussa was the longtime COO/General Counsel at RE/MAX of Texas. He has collaborated with many of the more innovative real estate technology developers in the country, and possesses an uncanny aptitude for recognizing opportunities in applying data to intersecting activities that generate business. Has a wide range of understanding of the retail consumer, the professional practitioner, and the technology and back-end that wires the residential real estate industry. He’s chronically creative, a proven leader and experienced manager. He’s really smart and he thinks things up.

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