Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Coming soon to MRIS, “coming soon” listings.

Coming Soon Listing Status is Coming Soon

“3. When you select the Coming Soon status for your listing, you’ll need to enter an Expected On-Market Date. This date can be no later than twenty-one days from when the listing is submitted to the MLS under the Coming Soon status. If the house is ready earlier than anticipated, you can change the status for your listing in Keystone.”

Coming soon listings are so yesterday, I’m waiting for “thinking about it” listings. ; )

  1. Would be interested to better understand the MLS rules provided for this status. Is a signed listing agreement in place? Does the listing agreement include a pre-printed provision for this status? Other rules specific to this status?

    Is this compliant with the spirit of cooperation and compensation, will the seller/lister accept offers and co-broke during this period? Will this result in more double dipping and erode trust amongst the Realtor community.

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