Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

MLS data share daisy chains Florida’s Upper East Coast

Four MLSs in Florida Launch New Coast 2 Coast MLS Data Share.

“Coast 2 Coast MLS Data Share launches to over 20K agents in Florida. A group of 4 innovative MLSs – realMLS, St. Augustine and St. Johns County Board of Realtors, Space Coast Association of Realtors and Daytona Beach Area Association of Realtors have come together to make the marketplace healthier and stronger. MLS members of these organizations now have access to listings of all four MLSs from within their native MLS system.”

Coast 2 Coast MLS Data Share

Make sense.

  1. Does this make sense? Or is this like a bandaid over an oozing infection? Are data shares the answer to so many MLSes in the US or would it be more efficient and effective to reduce costs, share revenue and increase assets by consolidating to one MLS (or joining a larger one)? Can we really address the underlying issue by putting a bridge over the top?

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