Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Reporting Google IO 2010 – Google’s Largest Developer Event of the Year

Google IO 2010 Logo

Post 1: The Introduction

Guest Reporter: Mark Scheel

I have been to some cool technical conferences.  MotoDev 2009, was a spectacle put on by Motorola at the Hard Rock in San Diego last fall.  Open Bar!  Android Robots!  Free Sushi and Cupcakes!

But I have never been more excited for an event than this year’s Google IO, taking place May 19-20, at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

Reasons to Get Excited

The event is sold out.  Participants get a free Droid phone. The published sessions make it sound like Space Camp, but with more nerdiness and less astronomy.  And lets not forget … the drama!  This year will feature updates to the very public media battle between Apple and Google.  It could even feature a cage match between Eric Schmidt and representatives of the Chinese government.

Let me say now that I think Steve Jobs is a marketing genius. That guy could sell ice to Eskimos (A $500 tablet that is a great deal?  Really!?).  He has positioned Android as the Porn Platform.  And just last week he unleashed a manifesto decrying Flash as has-been technology.

This is no coincidence.

Android is set to unveil  Flash integration at Google IO.  Should be huge news about something Google accomplished where Apple failed …  or has Steve Jobs preemptively stolen all the mojo?

Google hasn’t been winning the PR battle recently.  Their January launch event for the Nexus One was a joke compared to the iPad launch.  Jobs got the covers of Newsweek and Time magazine!  But I think in 2010 the media darling image of Apple may shift.  Apple may become the Big Brother they once tried to distance themselves from.  Did you know Apple is a larger company than Microsoft and Google now?  What is this strange future where Bill Gates cures diseases with candy while Steve Jobs menaces travelers by Lear Jet and silver Mercedes?

Steve Jobs is famous for his “one more thing” announcements.  Will Eric Schmidt or any of the other Googlers have something exceptional for us the week after Mid-Year?  I have some theories I will flesh out in later posts (Flash 10.1?  New App Market? Better storage for Apps? And that is just the Android stuff!).

Real Estate Implications

What are the Real Estate implications?  A major industry player is a Developer Sandbox featured participant.  I will have pictures of their demo area and all the real estate related news from the event.  Many vendors use Flash, or are considering it, will they be encouraged or discouraged after Google IO to keep using Flash?  Lets find out together.

This is only the first in a series of postings about Google IO.  I will be posting before, during and after the event to keep you up to date on the business, technical, and TMZ-like news (must. respect. VendorAlley readership) that will make tomorrow’s headlines.

About Me

My name is Mark Scheel.  I run a boutique software consultancy from Denver that serves the industry.  We are called Digital Construction.

If you forgot to sign up for Google IO, or just couldn’t travel the week after mid-year, fear not.  We offer Google training customized for your organization as one day intensive sessions.

If there is anything you want to see discussed in my future posts, mention it in the comments.  I am here so Vendor Alley readers can have an inside look at Google IO and how it will impact the Real Estate Industry.

Bonus Reading Links

BUSINESS – Recent WSJ article about Google’s plans to show TV Software at Google IO.  RE/MAX is a TV innovator with their own production studio and private satellite television network.  And they make great ads.  What will this do to the industry?

TECHNICAL – Have you read the Cathedral and the Bazaar recently?  Here is a great piece by John Sullivan from the Free Software Foundation titled Pot, meet kettle: a response to Steve Jobs’ letter on Flash.  Grab a (Free as in) beer and enjoy.

TMZ – Read about Eric Schmidt’s wild girlfriend, or read about a Google IO performance by Flight of the Conchords and speculate on who this years live entertainment might be.  Or play the Steve Jobs spotting game and learn he is a crazy driver.

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