Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Google is getting out of real estate! -BREAKING NEWS

This is freaking huge news!

According to Google’s Lat Long Blog:

“In part due to low usage, the proliferation of excellent property-search tools on real estate websites, and the infrastructure challenge posed by the impending retirement of the Google Base API (used by listing providers to submit listings), we’ve decided to discontinue the real estate feature within Google Maps on February 10, 2011.”

1. No longer integrated on Google maps
2. No longer accepting data feeds

Read the whole post here:

Google Lat Long Blog

All I can say is WOW!

“NASA never built a rocket…”

Great video about IBM and innovation.

It’s a bit longer but worth it. If you’re like me you might have this image of IBM of being a stodgy, “everybody wears a suit” type of company [kind of like PRC back in the day ; ) ]. This video, directed by Errol Morris, with music by Philip Glass, highlight some IBM’s innovations over the years.

One quote caught my attention (It’s about 30:40 in to the video). “NASA never built a rocket. NASA never built a space craft, NASA never built a computer.”

Which got me thinking about all the different vendors, from all the different industries out there. Those that make things. Getting to be part of creating products is the best part of what I do. If your lucky enough the things you create change everything, like being able to land on the moon.

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