Just two weeks ago, I was sitting in the audience at a real estate conference and the moderator asked the panelists, “What’s next in real estate?” Brian Boreo, co-founder of 1000watt, is one of the smartest people I know in real estate and said, “I’ve always thought that whoever figures out loyalty in real estate will win.” This brought a smile to my face, because there’s something Brian and the rest of the audience didn’t know that I’m excited to share that with you now.
About 5 years ago we made a fundamental shift with Cloud CMA. We knew that not all agents have listing presentations scheduled every week so we added features designed to help them get business – not just serve current clients. Pivotal to this was adding a “What’s my home worth?” landing page to every Cloud CMA account. This landing page could be easily shared on social media – which agents did – and the results were astounding. The number of Cloud CMA reports skyrocketed. To give you an idea, we launched Cloud CMA in 2010. In 2018 we hit a milestone of 10 million Cloud CMA reports generated. One year later in 2019, we are sitting at 14 million Cloud CMA reports generated. We can also account for 548,517 leads generated from automatic Cloud CMA reports. That’s moving the needle. Today we want to move that needle even further.
The National Association of REALTORS® has stats that show agent satisfaction over 80%, making it a well known industry fact that a majority of consumers were happy with their agent. Yet only 11% of those consumers use that same agent again. Why? Because agents are not doing a good job of keeping in touch with their past clients. That’s why we are introducing Homebeat, a new way to pump up your business from past clients. With Homebeat, agents can schedule automated CMAs to be delivered monthly, quarterly or yearly. And while traditional Cloud CMA reports are generated as PDFs, Homebeat will be completely digital, allowing your clients to view homes comparable to their home from any device.
Just like Cloud CMA reports, Hombeat is branded to the agent and also includes a call to action to request a “Full CMA” when they are closer to selling their home.
With Cloud CMA you can generate seller leads, convert those leads to clients and now with Homebeat, keep those clients coming back for more.
We will be rolling out Homebeat to select markets starting later today and will be free for 30 days to any Cloud CMA subscriber. To find out more about Homebeat, visit https://cloudagent.wpengine.com/automate-your-cloud-cmas-with-homebeat.