Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Trader Joe Republicans

Bloc Party – from Radiolab

“In the 1996 election, Bill Clinton had a problem. The women who came out in droves for him in ‘92, split their vote in the ‘94 midterms, handing over control of the House and the Senate to the Republican Party. As his team stared ahead at his re-election bid, they knew they had to win those women back. So, after a major polling effort to determine who exactly their undecided ladies were, Clinton turned his focus toward the most important swing vote in the election: the soccer moms. 

The soccer mom ushered in a new era of political campaigning, an era of slicing and dicing the electorate, engineering the (predominately white) voting bloc characters that campaigns have chased after. Security Moms. Nascar Dads. Joe Six Pack. Walmart Moms. “

I’ve used to listen to the radio a lot. I’m a big fan of Ira Glass’ This American Life, and Radiolab is another favorite. Now with podcasting storytelling has gone to a whole ‘nother level. I’m loving all of it.

On the eve of the general election, this episode of Radiolab really hit me. I gotta say the last interview of “Francis” kind of gobsmacked me. Don’t skip, and listen at regular speed.

Industry Relations Episode: ELECTION SPECIAL=>A Civil Debate on the 2020 Presidential Election

We are days away from the most important election of our time. Will Trump win reelection? Or will Biden take office? What factors influence the way people are voting? And how will the real estate industry be affected either way?

On this episode of the podcast, Rob and Greg are sharing their predictions around who will win the upcoming presidential election, discussing how the handling of the pandemic is likely to influence voting and whether Americans will choose a candidate based on self-interest versus moral integrity.

Rob and Greg reflect on the last four years in terms of the economy in general and real estate specifically, debating whether a modern leader should (or even could) inspire and unite us AND get things done. Listen in for insight on separating Trump’s behavior from what he has accomplished as President and learn how our hosts think about getting the US back to a place of normal political discourse.

What’s Discussed:  

Rob and Greg’s predictions regarding who will win the presidential election

Choosing a candidate based on self-interest vs. moral integrity

How the handling of the pandemic might influence voting

Whether the governor or President should have more influence over the states

Greg’s call for a leader that can inspire and unite us rather than stoke the fires of division

Rob’s take that it’s less important that a leader be an inspiring orator and more important that they get things done

Separating Trump’s behavior from what he has accomplished as President

How the last four years have been good for the economy in general and real estate specifically

Whether the Democrats will accept Trump as the legitimate President

Getting the US back to a place of normal political discourse

Connect with Rob and Greg: 

Rob’s Website

Greg’s Website


What’s the Matter with Kansas: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America Back by Thomas Frank

Termination of 2015 AFFH Rule

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