Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

CMLS 2023 Industry Update – VIDEO

CMLS 2023 Industry Update with Greg Robertson and introduction (roast) by Andy Woolley

I know many of you have been asking for this. I’ve been looking for a good quality recording but hadn’t found one with both the introduction and my presentation. Enter, Mike Canova from GAMLS who shared this video with me at the recent RESO Conference. I took the video and edited it a bit by inserting the slides from both presentations. Still blown away how great Andy did on the introduction. Please share and enjoy!

MLSListings Live featuring Cloud MLX and Cloud Streams

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to demo our products. But, luckily and I was given the opportunity by the folks at MLSListings, on their MLSListings LIVE YouTube channel. I think it came out pretty good. We’ve added a few enhancements over the past couple of years and are super proud of these products.

My interview with Jimmy Kelly, CEO of Lone Wolf

The first 4 months at Lone Wolf have been an awesome learning experience for me. Lone Wolf and W+R Studios have always had mutual customers, and I was always aware of the forms and transaction management business but now I’m getting a full immersion course. What I’m learning the most is this, at scale, it’s a tough business. I know that competition is starting to rise in this space, I would only say to them, be careful what you wish for.

With that in mind, I sat down to talk with Lone Wolf’s CEO, Jimmy Kelly. I was surprised but not surprised that he agreed to do this interview with me. I don’t think we made any edits or cut anything out, it’s about 30 mins long and worth the watch. Jimmy answered all my questions, even the tough ones (check out the timeline), and I still have a job!

Hope you enjoy and see how running a form business during the beginning of a worldwide pandemic is a little like Lucy and Ethel working at the chocolate factory.


:40 – Introduction to Jimmy, and history in software industry

4:20 – Greg and Jimmy discuss forms changes and frequency of requests

5:15 – Looking back on pandemic, COVID requests, and response from Lone Wolf

9:30 – Greg asks about product outages, instability. Jimmy discusses what’s going on at Lone Wolf.

12:00 – Greg: What do you say to customers who’ve heard that before?

16:05 – Jimmy discusses future of Back Office. 

17:45 – Greg: Are Transactions (zipForm Edition) and Transactions (TransactionDesk Edition) eventually going to merge? 

20:00 – Greg: What do you say to customers who want you to focus on current issues rather than innovating/buying companies? 

23:45 – Jimmy previews what he’s most excited about coming soon from Lone Wolf

29:00 – Greg: What can you share about Stone Point Capital acquiring CoreLogic? 

31:30 – Is Greg a thorn in Jimmy’s side?

What is homeownership?

I think my friends in organized real estate have to start paying attention to how companies are evolving the definition of “homeownership”. Below is a video of a presentation given by Adena Hefets, CEO of Divvy Homes at an event held by Andreessen Horowitz.

“We believe the industry is very binary. You either rent a home, or dive in to the deep end and get a mortgage. There is no in-between.”

Adena Hefets, CEO of Divvy Homes

If you have been listening to my podcast Listing Bits you know I’ve been tracking Divvy Homes and Adena for a while now and am super intrigued.

Agent Webinar: How to Effectively Deliver a Winning Listing Presentation

I don’t typically do this but I wanted to share that I’m hosting a webinar next week with Sharran Srivatsaa. I’ve known Sharran for a while now and he really is a great teacher.

Sharran is going to talk about helping agents do better listing presentations. I’ve seen him do this presentation live and its gold. He has real-world experience, he grew Teles Properties by 10x in 5 years and led its acquisition to national real estate powerhouse Douglas Elliman. He’s legit.

So I would love it you could share the link below, I know a lot of agents will benefit.

How to Effectively Deliver a Winning Listing Presentation


Project Christmas Tree

W+R Studios had a contest at our year-end team meetings. We had two teams decorate Christmas Trees with a limited amount of supplies. Then the whole company voted on which one came out the best.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Video highlights from around the industry

I’ve been a big proponent of the use of video for a long time. Lately, I’ve been seeing an uptick in video creation in the MLS world.

CoreLogic videos are well produced, I also like the way FBS uses gifs showing product functionality within their blog posts and agent communications. CRS recently used video to highlight their company people and history. MARIS recently upgraded its website featuring industry luminaries answering the question, “How will tech impact real estate in 5 years?”

Sometimes you can have fun with it, last year we did a “W+R Employees Try Weird Flavored Candy Canes“. Which was super fun.

The latest video to catch my eye comes from Realcomp. I just love the fun after-effects (Karen waving her hand) and the use of real staff members and 70’s style music. The whole vibe of the video made me smile. Take a look.

Do you know who I am??

What an epic fail from Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles cast member Tracy Tutor. She checks all three of the “I’m a pretentious asshole” boxes

  1. Getting hair and makeup done on camera. Check.
  2. Thinks too much of themselves, i.e. “because, I’m a real estate rockstar!” Check.
  3. Thinks everyone should know who she is, “Who the fuck is this? He doesn’t know who I am.” Check!

When Software Eats Real Estate

Hug your kids.


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