Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Only 2 trade shows left….

benstein.jpgAs Century 21 conference kicks off in Vegas this week we only have Prudential’s trade show in San Diego next week then we’re pretty much done with all franchise shows. All shows reported attendance was way down from previous years. Now the question is; “Where am I going to make up all the sales that I expected from the trade shows?”

Anybody got any ideas? Anyone…Anyone……Anyone?

  1. Greg, someone in Vegas must need your software. Maybe just move the booth out onto the street, grab a big megaphone, and go to work. If anyone can do it, it’s you!

    Thanks for the info on the attendance, this may be a very good leading indicator of the shake out in MLS membership. We haven’t seen much on our end yet, but it’s likely coming.

  2. God knows I don’t need a megaphone!

    With eN’s partnership with NAR we get a count of all new NAR members each month. I have this data from 2005 on. Maybe I’ll look back and put in in a graph and see how the first 3 months of 07 compare to the rest. Might be interesting….

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