Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Lights, camera, action!

Ladies and Gentlemen the stage has been set. The lights are up. The curtain has risen.

The Players

Dominion Enterprises (aka Homes.com aka Best Image aka Advanced Access aka eProspecting aka eNeighborhoods) – My personal favorite ; )
Andy “Bulldog” Woolley, Bob “Coach” Morse, “Sweet Michael Hayes” and their newest member Sal “The Kid” Aguiar have been on a winning streak, and 2007 is starting off good. Rumor has it this dream team has something big brewing that’s gonna shake things up.

Move, Inc (aka HomeStore, Realtor.com aka Top Producer)
Is the Canadian (aka Errol) up for the challenge? What’s the secret project Alan is working on? Why did Marty and Mona leave? More questions than answers as their second act begins.

What will John Hensley do with all his new toys? rDesk (aka fDesk), Lightning CMA Plus (another personal fav), Agent Office (or whatever they it call now), and Cyberhomes.com. And will Marty let him play? My guess is that John will scrap everything and start from scratch.

And lets not forget Paragon MLS (Bev, what version are they on?) I’m sure Rick Sherwood and the boys have something up their sleeves.

If you haven’t read Mike Wurzer’s new blog you should. Gives you some insight to what’s behind this their success. This employee owned company from North Dakota is ready to rock and roll.

Marketlinx (aka Interealty, aka First American)
Lots of questions here. Can they keep up the tempo? Who’s the company’s foreman? Is Joe still happy? ; )

No news I can add here that hasn’t been blasted to everyone’s inbox already.

They’re from Canada and want to be taken seriously. Did I mention they’re from Canada?

Let’s hope the agents show up, so far there are more empty seats than not. It’s a shame, a group like this needs a good audience. But then again…
there’s no business like show business!

  1. I guess I’m looking at Move, Inc. as a data aggregation player. eN is doing remax.com (which was all Move biz before), I believe FNRES is doing HelpUSell.com, so on some level they compete with some of the other players.

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