Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

It's so close I can smell it…..

narmidyear4.jpgNAR Mid Year! While thousands of Realtors storm our nation’s capital to try and keep banks out of real estate we live like moles in dark hospitality suites bathed in the light of data projectors, cursing hotel internet connections while eating pretzels and drinking warm beer. Only to escape the dungeon to emerge at night in Georgetown for steak dinners and mixed drinks.

Well it’s a tough gig but someone has to do it!

So here’s our Top 10 list of “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of NAR Mid Year”.

Number 10
Standing by the lobby elevators at the Wardman Park Marriott, waiting….waiting….and waiting.

Number 9
Trying to find a seat with a table at the lobby bar.

Number 8
“Who the hell booked a 7AM meeting at the suite???”

Number 7
Booth duty.

Number 6
“The Hill”

Number 5
The secret short cut from the Marriott to the Omni so you don’t have to go up and down “The Hill”

Number 4
A fully stocked bar, right in your own hotel room

Number 3
Alka Seltzer

Number 2
Going to see the Lincoln Memorial at night.

And Number 1 on the list of “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of NAR Mid Year”.

The way “per member, per month” just rolls right off the tounge.

Say it with me everyone, “per member, per month”….”per member, per month”….”per member, per month”.

See you there!!

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