Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

It's only 13 days left till NAR Expo in Las Vegas and I've got questions…

narquestion.jpgSo right around the corner we have the 2007 NAR EXPO in Las Vegas, Nevada. Of course Las Vegas wasn’t NAR’s first choice, they ran into venue problems in Chicago and Las Vegas was the only town that could cover them. There have been some minor changes, mostly the Expo runs in the middle of the week instead of over a weekend. Which is fine by me, especially in Vegas, hell we pay too much for rooms as is. So the big question in my mind is—-Will the REALTORS come?

Will they come to Vegas? NAR says “YES! They will come” “It’s Vegas, of course they will come!” In fact they tell me that pre-attendance is way up over last year. When I remind them that last year was a post-Katrina New Orleans I get nothing but silence over the phone (cue crickets).

So I’ve got some questions, you can comment back or email me your responses….

Any budget cut backs this year?
Where are the demo suites this year?

Also, anything you want to plug about your company, feel free!

Those who post might even get the secret password to the “Backstage Pass” link up on the top right hand of this page. Secret cool stuff can be found for those with an ALL ACCESS password.

  1. I think it’s going to be very well attended. Vegas is easy to get to and generally liked by a wide variety of people. I LOVE that the trade show is not over the weekend.

    We’ll be meeting with people at our suite at the Venetian, as well as on the trade show floor.

    No budget cut backs for us this year, though we never spend too much on trade shows. We’re just a day away from rolling out a huge release and so this year I invited a bunch of our developers to celebrate the release in Vegas. We usually only bring in four or five of us but this year FBS will be sporting a contingent of about a dozen. We’ll be a party unto ourselves!

    Regarding parties, though, I’ve been wanting to do something with the bloggers, but the cocktail deal is set for Monday and I won’t be there yet. Are you guys doing a party?

  2. Thanks for the post Mike. eN has a couple suites at the Wynn hotel next door. We are also going to be a part of the “Dominion Pavilion” on the trade show floor where we’ve rented a giant slot machine that gives REALTORs a chance to win 1 Million Dollars.

    And I’ve just emailed you the secret password to Backstage Pass section of Vendor Alley.


  3. Vendor Alley,

    I am not a vendor but just a first time participant(Realtor) at the tradeshow. I am an American who now lives and sells real estate in Calgary Canada.

    I myself have heard that this is supposed to be very high turnout(Realtor) for the expo, due alot to the venue itself, I know it has a lot to do with my participation.

    We are staying at MGM and paying WAY too much due to procrastination. Because I have been to this prior, and am not a vendor, I really have no good info for you sorry, but since I found you surfing the net just wanted to say hey and maybe I’ll see you there.

    Anyways hope ya’ll have fun and sell lots and if you find out where any of those “good” parties are, clue me in. Although I am sure they will be all over in Vegas!


  4. John,

    Thanks for the post. The lastest I heard from NAR is that we are to have “record” turnout. Not including vendors the number is over 18K, which would be huge, but who knows. Good luck on the tables and keep tuned in to find out what’s happening.


  5. I am a past Las Vegas survivor…meaning I used to live there and witnessed the h e double hocky sticks that conventions can cause.

    This time I am on the other side as a first time exhibitor. My company, Reel Tours Inc. is debuting as the first national company to provide full service Video Tours. Many have tried, but failed before. Hope we can make a difference to the Real Estate Market.

    Being a past resident, I have relatives to stay with, no hotel-hell for me.

    Good luck, stop by and see us!


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