Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

RE/MAX International Convention- LIVE Coverage Wrap-Up.

free-ice-cream.jpgWell, we didn’t get much time to report from the show, it is Vegas after all. So we’ll just hit you with a wrap up.

RE/MAX International put on a good show at its 35th anniversary convention in Las Vegas this year. Dave Liniger dropped from the ceiling in a basket with Las Vegas showgirls at the convention’s general session. Attendance reports were mixed. We heard they had close to 6,000 attend. This was much better attendance than all other franchise shows, so the “Vegas factor” was in full effect.

Once surprising stat I heard at the show was that a full third of RE/MAX attendees were “international”. Meaning if your product was in English and only worked in the U.S. then you didn’t do too well. So, you do the math.

One of the many great things about RE/MAX is how they treat their vendors. This event is no different, whether its access to agents, reasonsable booth policies or free ice cream they really go out of their way to make sure everyone feels welcome.

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