Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

C.A.R. reveals plans for Statewide MLS


(April 1st, 2008) C.A.R. Executive Vice President Joel Singer today announced the California Association of REALTORS new statewide MLS solution. “What we are announcing today is truly revolutionary.” stated Mr. Singer. “MLSBook will be the new standard in the industry!” continued Mr. Singer.

At this point at the press conference “MLSBooks” were wheeled out on the stage and handed out to members of the press. The books were about twice the size of a regular yellow pages phone book.


“MLSBook are portable, don’t require a keyboard, never needs to charge, and chock full of 75dpi color photos of all listings in the state of California.” continued Singer. “There’s even an intuitive Table of Contents for easy searching, TAKE THAT GOOGLE!!!”

When one reporter asked about the portability of these new “MLSBooks” Singer also announced another new product called “MLSBook Tote” which appeared to resemble a refrigerator moving dolly. “We done focus groups and REALTORS love MLSBook Tote!”
Next Mr Singer made reference to a significant upgrade to MLSBook later in the year, “Two words—– shiny paper”

Al Gore could not be reached for comment.

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