Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

So you need 5 different MLS consortiums…really? 1, 2, or 3 ain't good enough?….Really?

Today’s Inman story about 7 MLS providers agree to share, exchange data has got me perplexed.

By my count there are now 5 MLS or MLS data sharing plans either being built or operating in California.

California MLSAlliance
CALMLS -C.A.R.’s effort
“Gang of 7” -Just announced.

Also, most participants belong to more than one!

Plus I would add another group to this list; MLS providers in California who don’t belong to any of the above (such as SANDICOR in San Diego) So that makes 6!

It reminded me on this cartoon I saw on the web.

Ostriches playing poker
Ostriches playing poker
  1. That’s old news, there is now talks about the latest initiative called Consortium of MLS’s in Consortium, or more commonly referred to in the industry as “COMIC”. This groundbreaking initiative will be the first consolidation of consolidated consortiums and is expected to expand nationally by the first quarter of 2009. COMIC will be issuing a press release shortly unveiling their new system called the Consortium of MLS’s in Consortium with All the Listings, or “COMICAL”. Industry experts agree that COMICAL will be just the thing to bring a long needed spark to the depressed California real estate market.

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