Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Dominion Enterprises and Lehman Brothers

According to an article in the Virgina Pilot…

“JPMorgan is advising Landmark on the sale of The Weather Channel, one of its largest properties, and Lehman Brothers is advising the company on the sale of its other media assets, Barry said.”

So JP Morgan handled the sale of The Weather Channel. Which was closed recently (September 12th) according to this CNBC article.

But that leaves Dominion Enterprises. And according to the Virginia Pilot article they were/are using Lehman Brothers. And we all know that Lehman Brothers didn’t quite get the love from Uncle Sam that Bear Stearns and more recently AIG received.

So you gotta wonder how this is effecting the sale process for Dominion Enterprises and it’s real estate division, Dominion Home Media.

Dominion Home Media includes popular real estate brands such as;

Advanced Access
Best Image Marketing

Time will tell.

  1. Rumor has it that Stu Siegel is going to buy back the company hire you and make another run at selling it? Can you confirm?

  2. eNeighborhoods is doing very well without me.

    Stu now owns the NHL Florida Panthers hockey team which is part of a huge entertainment company. Buy back eNeighborhoods? Not likely.

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