Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Beth Murphy update

I had heard at the Council of MLS (CMLS) conference that Beth Murphy of RMLS in Portland was ill and has been in the hospital for quite sometime. They announced that you can get status updates at CarePages. I signed up.

She was recently moved to another hospital. Here’s the last update I received.

“Beth has been doing OK this week. Keeps running a temp., low but it seems like it’s everyday. They think it could be a urinary infection. They started treating it yesterday. We’ll wait and see. Beth’s spirits are still up, and still has that smile. Thanks for you comments Beth will enjoy them. Greg”

Anyone who knows Beth knows she is one tough cookie. She has a great laugh, and is a huge asset to the MLS industry.

I’m looking forward to Beth getting through this tough spell and having a beer with her at one of Portland’s famous breweries. Please send all your good wishes and vibes to Beth and her family.

  1. Pingback: Beth Murphy or RMLS Portland Update II « Vendor Alley

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