Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Dave Rifkin leaves eNeighborhoods and joins FBS as new head of sales.

Dave Rifkin
Dave Rifkin

Mike Wurzer doesn’t like standing still. Today Mike and his merry gang at FBS have brought on Dave Rifkin, former eNeighborhoods VP of Agent Services, to head up sales at FBS. Talent is key, so it’s easy to see why Mike has choosen Dave.

What I like about this move is it shows that FBS sees opportunity in this market. Does Wurzer know something the rest of the MLS Vendors don’t know?? Hmmmmmm.

Anyway, back to Dave…

Many of you know Dave, he has been in the industry a long time. Dave started at IRIS, LLC, where he was responsible for managing the west coast MLS Providers and real estate association sales channel for Lightning and Lightning CMA Plus products. IRIS was bought by Homeseekers.com in 2000, he continued there for the next couple years before a brief time at FNIS.

He joined eNeighborhoods in 2004, where he was charged with building an inside sales team. That inside sales team went on to help propel eNeighborhoods to phenomenal growth.

FBS is an employee owned company so you know they give a lot of thought before bringing on a new guy. With the successful launch of their FLEXMLS system at ARMLS, Wurzer knows he’s going to need help to take it to the next level.

That leaves only Andy Woolley as the last senior manager standing at eNeighborhoods since their acquisition by Dominion Enterprises in early 2007. Stu Siegel, Dave Meyer, Dan Woolley and yours truly left in May to 2008. Since then Bryan Ehrenfreund, VP of Operations had also left the company.

Good luck to Dave in his new role as he joins his new family at FBS. The MLS world is watching!

No pressure!!!

UPDATE: Looks like FBS Blog scooped Vendor Alley on this. Check it out!

  1. Pingback: FBS Blog » Blog Archive » FBS hires Dave Rifkin as VP of Sales

  2. I considered myself extremely fortunate to have been surrounded by great coworkers and friends throughout my career and I am looking forward to continuing that tradition at FBS! @Greg – where did you come up with that picture? @Troy – let’s talk about Fargo in a few months when the weather livability index compared to Boca inverses πŸ™‚

  3. Yet another big score for my friends at FBS! Dave, there isn’t one person at that company who I’ve met who doesn’t put 100% into what they’re doing. They and you are lucky to have found each other!

    I hope you stay in the F-L-A!

    Poor, poor Andy!

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