Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Brian Boero and Marc Davison shut down 1000WATT Consulting, start Progressive rock band.

Marc Davison
Marc Davison

“Get ready Texas!!” yelled Marc Davison as he boarded a plane at LAX airport bound for Austin, TX.

Brian Boero
Brian Boero

When asked about this new direction Davison commented, “I really wanted to form a kick ass blues band but Brian couldn’t play a hook on his keyboards if his life depended upon it, so Prog rock was our only choice. But who cares!! It sure beats the hell out of hearing brokers whine all day!”

When asked to list his influences he stated, “Early Zeppelin, The Doors, U2 and Sherry Chis”

“Sherry Chris?” we asked.

Yeah, we named the band “Better Hobos & Godzilla”

“Brand is important man….” finished Marc.

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