Our very own Bradley Inman was featured in the New York Times this weekend. In an article talking about the future of digital publishing.

Brad’s new venture is called, Vook. The site promises to “Experience books in a whole new way. Vook tells stories better.” It is currently in beta, I just requested an invite.
Sounds like stories are told using a variety of different ways (platforms) including words, video and social media (e.g. Twitter). This is interesting to me in the context of the movie industry and how people are wondering if this latest 3D wave is just a fad or with the help of new technology it will stick.
I believe it all comes down to the strength of the story, but Brad’s convergence of words, images and social media seems like a logical next step. Imagine if the digital/virtual book (Vook) knew at what point you stopped reading, and then starting sending you Tweets from characters in the story up until that point, or giving you a tease of what’s coming up next. I can riff a bunch of ideas off this but my head is going to explode!
Good luck Brad! Hook me up with a beta invite!
I wonder if this is going to go anywhere. I might request a vook invite too. I read what I can on Mr. Inman, he seems to have his stuff altogether pretty well.
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You can sign up for information about our first release (aka beta — though not exactly a beta…) by going to our homepage (http://vook.com) and registering your email address. Please shoot me an email if you have any questions 🙂
maria (at) vook (dot) com
Social Marketing Manager at Vook