Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

calREDD, as we know it, is dead.

poor little unicorn

In my recent post I pondered what the latest announcement from calREDD meant to the continuing saga of its quest to become the statewide MLS solution for California. This generated quite a bit of discussion online and offline.

So here’s a few predictions/statements:

calREDD as single statewide MLS solution is dead.
They can put any spin they want on it, but their state wide iniative is DOA. In fact after all the grandstanding there is a big question mark right now if calREDD even qualifies as an MLS.

CARETS will to continue to grow.
I wouldn’t be surprised to hear more and more MLS providers join CARETS. I wouldn’t be surprised if some announcements will be made shortly.

calREDD will solider on as a solution for smaller associations in the state, and ultimately fail.
If C.A.R. thinks that the existing MLS vendors will not fight to keep their customers then they REALLY don’t understand the MLS business.

Go ahead, tell me I’m wrong!!!

: )

  1. Pingback: Twitted by gregrobertson

  2. You’re RIGHT!

    At most, calREDD may become another regional MLS in the state servicing the small geographically and politically isolated MLSs. Those that are struggling financially, essentially get “bailed out” by calREDD as a result.

    These will also be high cost/high maintenance MLSs, and as such calREDD’s wholesale price will not reflect any true cost savings that these MLSs could ultimately pass along to their paying subscribers.

    To qualify as an MLS and join CARETS, calREDD must have paid subscribers, active listings and offers of compensation. They don’t have that yet.

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