I was having few drinks last night with some Lobby Bar All-Stars (who will remain nameless) and someone mentioned a bit a movie trivia:
It was from the classic, 2001: A Space Odyessy by director Stanley Kubrick. Do you remember what the name they gave the computer?

Do you know how they came up with the name HAL? Pretty clever it turns out.
They simply took the name IBM and shifted each letter one space: So IBM became HAL
Okay, so what does this have to do with real estate?
Let shift the letters of another famous acroymn: RPR
You know what you come out with?
Dale Ross speaks at Clareity’s MLS Executive Workshop today in Scottsdale. It will be interesting to hear what kind of message he sends.
[Thanks HG!]
I always heard the story of the naming of HAL.
But shifting the RPR letters to create SOS is down right funny.
I spit my coffee out when i read that
So what did he say?