Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

I love the smell of cream cheese in the morning…

I was at an office meeting today up in Lakewood. I love going to these meetings, this is where it all begins.  The weekly real estate office meeting.  The American Dream in action!

The agenda for every one of these meetings is about the same:

The Office Manager introduces the Title Rep who give some sort of pitch for their company/services and any other industry thing they are promoting – “Don’t forget the WCR Fashion Show, Men are welcome to attend!”  Then the Loan Guy comes up and gives the update on interest rates and the market in general.  After a brief “needs and wants” The Broker takes over and give some advice about saving money on taxes this year (he is going to hold a class tomorrow night if enough agents are interested).  His talk is part informative but mostly motivational. – “Hey Susie why don’t you tell everyone about the deal you closed this past weekend off of Craigslist!”

I was the main attraction (the price of this top billing was that I brought the food – bagels and a fruit plate).

As I stood there enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of residential real estate in action I noticed something hanging above the doorway.

It was a ziplock bag.  The ziplock bag had a tiny bit of water in it along with a penny.

What’s this?  I thought. A good luck charm?  Is someone going to kiss me if I stand beneath it (hopefully the Title Rep!).  Some sort of make shift Voodoo talisman to keep away bad spirits?  I had never seen anything like it.  I noticed they had another one hanging from another doorway.

One of the agents noticed me taking a picture of it and asked- “I bet you are wondering what’s that for?”

I replied that yes I was very curious!

“We had a big problem with flys in the office.” she told me.  “One of the agents said this was an old trick, you put a penny in a ziplock bag with some water in it and hang it over the doorway where you have flys.  Flys don’t like the way it reflects light. ”

“Does it work?” I asked.

“Do you see any flys around here?” asked the agent.

“Nope.” I replied.

“I use it at property showings now, the night before…works like a charm” she continued.

God help me, but I do love real estate!

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  2. We have used this water/penny/plastic trick for many years on family camping trips. It works!

    Oh and I like cream cheese too.

  3. mmmmm….office bagels. Perfect summary on the happenings at a real estate office meeting. Hope you killed it!

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