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RPR announces creation of National MLS, chooses calREDD as its MLS vendor.

Dale Ross, CEO of RPR,  confirmed what many people have longed suspected, RPR intends to launch a National MLS.  Dubbed Realtor information Property MLS or “RIPMLS” the new system will launch in June of 2011.  “We weren’t fooling anyone, so we thought we might as well get on with it.” stated Mr. Ross.

“We couldn’t keep this secret any longer.”  stated Marty Frame, RPR President.  “Beta testing starts in a couple months.”  When asked about calREDD‘s MLS system Marty Frame stated.  “I wasn’t personally involved with the decision but from what I hear the MLS system is state of the art, and implementations are proceeding in an orderly fashion.”

Joel Singer was at an undisclosed location and could not be reached for comment.

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