Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

ARMLS shows us how its done.

The first concept of this blog was more of a place where real estate vendors could go to rate trade shows, conferences and events.  I was sick and tired of paying “sponsorship fees” and high exhibitor rates and being treated like shit once they had my money and I set up my booth. I’m sure you all know the drill, no marketing, no booth traffic, means no sales.

My thought was that if all the real estate vendors got together and rated each trade show then we would take back the power and assocaitions and other industry organizations that put on trade shows would want to have a high rating to get vendors to come back next year.

Instead Vendor Alley became the “TMZ of real estate”.  Oh well.

Brian Wharton, Business Development for ARMLS

Last week I exhibited in ARMLS‘ “Technopalooza“, despite the cheesy name the event was FANTASTIC.  I’ll admit when I first spoke to ARMLS’ head of business development, Brian Wharton, I was skeptical.  The conference was held in Glendale, miles away from Phoenix and Scottsdale, and I didn’t see any “big name” speakers.  But we were launching Cloud CMA in the ARMLS market and I needed an event to get something started.  So I came prepared for a sleepy trade show.  Then something magical happen.  The Realtors came in droves!  We ended up having great booth traffic and as a result I almost ran out of Cloud CMA order forms.  (a good problem to have!)

So until I create another site that rates trade shows let me give my thanks and  4 STARS to ARMLS’ “Technopalooza“!

Something tells me that they are going to have a lot more vendors next year.

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