Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Decisions, decisions, decisions…

CMLS has been in the news a lot lately.  They issued a letter to NAR concerning the ability for MLS providers to require photos and also published a report called:

New Ways To Leverage MLS Data

CMLS commissioned The WAV Group to put the report together.  I had many people reference the report to me when I was out in D.C.  But for those few of you who have not checked it out it’s worth a look.

The report doesn’t recommend, but provides a good comparison of RPR, CoreLogic, Move, and iMapp and their offerings to MLS providers/brokers.  One of the interesting things about RPR is they have become somewhat of a “market maker” for legitimate MLS data.   In the past any such deals were consider verboten, now the playing field is wide open.  Not quite sure if this was really part of the plan.

Just click the title above to get the report, it’s free!

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