Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Google is Awesome, Next up Apple

Have you been to Google’s Home Page today?  In celebration of the 30th anniversary of PacMan they have a sweet in-browser implementation of the game.

Press the Insert Coin button twice and you get Ms. Pac Man.

You control Pac Man with the arrow keys and Ms. Pac Man with the W-A-S-D keys.

I quit after 20,000 points–its back to work now that I/O is over!

But not before trying to track down the source code, check it out:


WWDC, the Apple equivalent of Google I/O is next month.  I won’t be attending but look forward to the innovation they show off.

Disclosure: I have a full size PacMan arcade game in my house.

I will have one final Google I/O post summarizing my trip soon, it includes my top five free gifts, wow moments, correct predictions, incorrect predictions, discovered technology and food items.  Look for that next week.

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