Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Inman Innovator Award Finalists Announced

Inman News has posted the list of finalists for their annual Inman Innovator Awards.  You can check out the list here.

I’m very happy to announce that both Vendor Alley and Cloud CMA have been selected as finalists.

Vendor Alley was nominated in the Blog category.  I started Vendor Alley back in 2007 and am continually amazed at the popularity of the site.  Thanks to all Vendor Alley readers who voted to make it a finalist.

I am also super excited about Cloud CMA being nominated in the Web Service category. At W&R Studios we have only launched two products, Dwellicious and Cloud CMA.  Dwellicious was a finalist last year (losing out to Closing.com) and now with Cloud CMA making a list of finalists this year I’m not sure if my partner Dan Woolley can handle the pressure on any new products we create!

We have some stiff competition in both categories so good luck to everyone and thanks again for your support!

  1. Greg & Dan,
    Congrats. Your technology solutions have been cutting edge ever since Kelly and I met you years ago (that would NAR 1997, I think ;-).
    Keep innovating!

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention Inman Innovator Award Finalists Announced | Vendor Alley -- Topsy.com

  3. Congrats on the nomination. I must say that this is my first time here, but perusing through a few of your posts has left me utterly impressed. I will definitely be subscribing. Best of luck.

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