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RETechnology.com is gaining ground


Looks like the folks at WAV Group have been busy!

“Agents and brokers now have direct access to over 1,000 product descriptions, 500 vendors and 2,000 articles and product reviews through their internal MLS system.”

Pretty damn impressive.  Congrats guys!


RETechnology.com Partners with Six Nationwide MLSs to Deliver Real Estate Technology Solutions for Agents

Agents and brokers gain access to more than 1000 product descriptions, 500 vendors and 2,000 articles and product reviews through their own MLS system.

ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. – June 24, 2010 – RETechnology.com (RETechnology) today announced a partnership agreement with six nationwide MLSs to provide agents and brokers direct access to the company’s comprehensive real estate technology website where they can find insights on new products, emerging trends and breaking news.

MLSs continually seek new ways to increase member satisfaction and loyalty. RETechnology.com, the most comprehensive technology information solution available, is helping establish MLSs as an even more valuable technology resource. Through this new tool MLSs are empowering agents to make better technology decisions to grow their business. They help brokers determine which technologies and strategies best meet the needs of their respective businesses.

MLS Help Desks previously encumbered with requests for technology suggestions are fielding research concerns directly to RETechnology.com.

“MLSs have always struggled with how best to introduce various products and services to their large, geographically dispersed customer base,” says Russ Bergeron, CEO of Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED). “With RETechnology.com our plan is to let our customers review, evaluate and compare products on their own time and on their own schedule, reducing the amount of time that we or the product vendor needs to spend in the sales process. Our staff will be able to direct callers to RETechnology.com for more detailed answers to their product related questions.”

Agents and brokers now have direct access to over 1,000 product descriptions, 500 vendors and 2,000 articles and product reviews through their internal MLS system.

“RETechnology.com is the most relevant way to research technology in our industry. You get more specific information here than you ever would by searching Google or Yahoo, where the results may or may not be what you are looking for and will most likely be biased. As a trainer at MRED, I am always looking for the newest tools and technologies, RETechnology.com is exactly what this industry has needed. It is objective and comprehensive. You can search and compare any product. I highly recommend RETechnology.com at every one of my training sessions; for real estate, this site has everything you could need to help you grow your business,” says Jerry Hoffman, a top producing agent for Keller Williams.

Agents and brokers are provided access to this information free to them by MLS partners including: Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED),

Metropolitan Regional Information Systems (MRIS), MLSListings, Inc., Intermountain MLS (IMLS), Heartland MLS (HMLS), and My Florida Regional MLS (MFRMLS). As a result, RETechnology.com is now available to MLSs as a free member benefit to over 20% of all REALTORS® across the U.S., making it the largest resource directory of its type in real estate.

“RETechnology.com is a tremendous tool designed to help our agents navigate through understanding available technology products and how they can help grow their business. Technology in the past has been an intimidating issue and our agents and brokers did not know where to start. RETechnology.com makes it simple by providing a ’one stop shop‘ where agents and brokers can find the right technology tools to help them sell more real estate. We are very pleased to partner with RETechnology.com to provide this excellent resource to help our members get the most out of their technology purchases, right from our MLS system home page,” says Merri Jo Cowen, CEO of MFRMLS.

“We are thrilled to be able to help MLSs become an even more valuable technology partner to their members. RETechnology.com has been designed with the goals and needs of both real estate professionals as well as the MLSs who serve them. Collaboration with other likeminded MLSs will support the goal of providing agents and brokers with the best possible resource for technology information,”

says Victor Lund, CEO of RE Technology, Inc.

Additional MLSs are currently in the process of understanding the new role that they will play in meeting the strong demand of their subscribers to access clear and concise product information. These MLS organizations are graduating beyond simple link beds to the modern experience that consumers find today on sites like Amazon and CNET.

About RE Technology, Inc.

RE Technology, Inc. offers the most comprehensive real estate technology website, reaching hundreds of thousands of real estate agents. By embedding directly into MLS Systems across North America, RETechnology.com makes it easy for agents to access clear product descriptions, objective product reviews, and stay current with technology trends. Providing a rich assortment of tutorials, how-to’s and technology training articles, RETechnology.com helps agents understand the benefit technology can bring to drive business, and how to strategically implement them. RETechnology.com is colored with user ratings and comments, creating a rich community of product feedback and user-driven endorsements.

To learn more please visit www.retechnology.com. Press Contact:

Paden Followwill (805) 503-5506 paden at retechnology dot com

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