Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Inman Connect SF 2010 Recap Part I

I’ve been remiss to offer my insights on last week’s Inman Connect SF.  Too damn busy.  Brian Boero from 1000Watt Consulting summed up things pretty well, you should go read his “fuzzy notions” recap.  I have to agree with Brian, it was truly one of the best Inman RE Connect conferences I’ve attended.

And I’m not just saying that because the Premium Member Lounge (Brilliant Tim, brilliant!)    : )

"The Twins"

I didn’t get to catch too many sessions (see this post) but one I did get a chance to see ( and from the front row) was the “debate” on the main stage titled, “Is the MLS System Broken“.

I’m going to focus on 3 people at that session.

Mike Wurzer

Michael “Invisible Hand” Wurzer.  Mike is a good friend, so I might have some bias here (duh!)  but I really can’t help but thinking what a great asset he is to our industry and I’m not just talking about vendors.  His arguments were clear, concise, and he didn’t pull any punches.  I talked to some people that thought the suggestion that the market will decide when to “fix” the MLS industry was “pollyanna”, but Michael lives and breathes these issues everyday.  So if you got a better solution, prove it.

Joel Singer

Joel “Fail Forward” Singer.  I’ve been very critical of Joel’s organization, the California Association of REALTORS®, and their efforts to start a statewide MLS system (calREDD) in California.  On stage he was a bit light on details but you just got to respect a guy who goes up there in front of all his industry colleagues, after the rough two years he’s had, and still comes out swinging.

Brian Boero

And lastly I come back to where I started.  Brian Boero.  Brian’s “geek chic” vibe is like Steve Allen and Ira Glass had a baby.  Stay with me here… Brian is able to capture the essence of the conversation, ask great follow up questions, shut up when he needs to, and always get the biggest laughs.  It’s a remarkable thing to stand in front of 1,000 people and accomplish this, and Brian makes it look effortless.  Bravo.

Stay tuned for Part II of my Inman Connect SF recap in which I ask, “Inman Innovator Awards WTF?”

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