Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt


I’ll be doing a full recap later in the week but wanted to post something quick.

First off “Best Booth”. I broke it down to two catergories, since some companies had more room to work with.

Best Booth (Hallway) of CMLS goes to….


dynaConnections CMLS Booth

These guys were a triple threat. Great booth, great reps, and great swag!

Check out the clever swag. Coffee mugs with a mustache drawn on!

dynaConnections Swag

Swag action shot!

Swag Demo Shot!

If these guys pay as much attention to their MLS system as they to to their marketing then sign me up!

Next up is Best Booth display in a limited space. And the winner is….


These guys always do a pro job. Some booth had the same components but ShowingTime did a great job of pulling it all together.

ShowingTime Booth

Then there’s also the “Not Even Trying” Booth Award:

And the winner loser is….

Name Withheld

You can check out more images of CMLS 2010 on the new Vendor Alley Flickr Photostream:


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