Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

The upcoming “COVE d’état”…

Things are getting interesting on the RESO front.  There was lots of chatter from the RESO community at the CMLS conference earlier this month.  Most of it centered around the COVE group and their frustration with any real progress since it announced it’s list of standardized MLS data fields.

Now it appears that members of the COVE group are running for seats on the RESO board effectively implementing a “COVE d’état”.

Or maybe not.  Word is the NAR would like nothing more than more involvement, especially from the MLS provider community which represents over 40% of the listings nationwide, to help them in their efforts.  So I predict a smooth transition as these new COVE board appointments are elected.

I just hope that these COVE participants understand it’s never been about data standards, its about implementation.

  1. I’m really looking forward to the contributions these MLS executives could make to the effort.

    When the standards effort was primarily vendors, it was focused, (as it had to be) on handling whatever data the MLSs wished to transport, in all of its variation. Back in the day, DxM data standards went nowhere. And the RETS community efforts to recommend ‘standard name’ data conformity was also less than successful. The idea that MLSs representing a substantial portion of the listings could now help drive more conformity in the data itself across a community of MLSs (as you put it, the “implementation”) could make a big difference to what the standards effort can accomplish.

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  3. “I just hope that these COVE participants understand it’s never been about data standards, it’s about implementation.” GR

    BINGO! You have identified the impediment to standards. MLSs tend to prefer the status quo. MLS vendors like the status quo even more so as well as the proprietary nature of their databases.

    If/when we actually get a standard MLS data structure it will be a whole new world out there. Dare I use the hackneyed “paradigm shift” which scares the poop out of most traditional vendors. Because standards open up the MLS world to any number of front end applications – as long as the business rule/security layers are in place to act as the traffic cops controlling access to the underlying database.

    No longer will an MLS be required to ink a deal with a monolithic vendor and require all users to use the same interface. There will be a bevy of new models out there for delivering data to the desktops of those who need it for their business, and beyond. Basic package, upgraded packages, pay as you go, broker customized access, and on and on.

    Gonna be fun times, eh?

  4. In it’s first phase, the RETS standard was defined by the server vendors. They were the ones that had to implement the standard first, so complete buy-in was needed from them or the standard would never see the light of day in the wild. Client vendors provided input, but they were just happy to have *any* standard method of getting data from the servers. There was almost no involvement from the MLSs or the brokers, so there was very little business input – just a lot of technical input. Hopefully, these COVE developments will mark a turning point and a new phase in forwarding the standard. As it stands today, the standard is very successful in the small niche that it is addressing. These new developments should expand the standard to new business use cases and improve products and services in the industry.

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