Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

A tale of three parties

Over the years the N.A.R. Annual Conference has a been THE place for holding parties for their customers and prospects. This year one company held their first, another is starting to hit their stride, and the other was still going strong.

Jake?First up is Tarasoft. This year Tarasoft held their party at the House of Blues. The place was jumping! In fact I mistook John Mosey for one of the Blues Brothers (which one I’m not at liberty to say). Looks like John and many others were taking advantage of the open bar of beer, wine and anything else. Who could forget last years Tarasoft party and the long walk up the stairs escorted by some of what California is most famous for. Not to disappoint this year many Louisiana gals dressed up in Marti Gras gear floating around the party and took pictures with guests. The vibe of this party was “inclusive”. I saw MLS providers, MLS vendors (even “competitors”), software companies, leadership, you name it everyone together having a good time. Nice way to start a Saturday night!

The first thing you need to know about Marketlinx, is they know how to throw a party. Kim McLean did not disappoint this year as well. The vibe was great and the music fun. But unlike the Tarasoft party this party was decidedly “exclusive”. Which is fine, why should you pay for drinks for anyone else but customers and prospects? But since I only had one ticket I didn’t stay very long because I was with a larger group who did not have any tickets to get in. I heard this from others but I’m sure as hell their customers had a great time!

Nick at the keysNext up is Rapattoni. Rapattoni you say?? They never throw a party! Well this year was decidedly different as they celebrated their 40 years in business. I was lucky enough to be invited. Dan and I were greeted by the very gracious Niki Rapattoni at the door. They had a live piano player playing some jazz and a few standards. After we got a drink at the open bar I noticed that I recognized the piano player, it was Nick Rapattoni himself! That was a first, how many parties have you gone to where the president of the company is also the entertainment!

Thanks for the invites! Good to see everyone!

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