Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Is the Florida Association of REALTORS screwing their vendors?

Blanche Evans is back! The real estate writer who’s articles brought down REBIG in Chicago has just posted another doozy!

In Part I of an article she calls “F.A.R. – Fetched Lawsuits – Part I” (c’mon Blanche how the hell am I gonna come up with a better title for my post than that!) she begins to outline the story of Instanet Solutions fight against the F.A.R.‘s for profit divsion, REIS. In what she says “could expose a dark side of for-profit real estate association subsidiaries, where member benefits come second to other agendas.”

Go read this now!

  1. Hi Greg- long time reader- first time poster! 😉
    Our company had an island booth next to Instanet in the main entrance at the recent FAR convention. We’ve been the “front door vendors” for many years at this show. Someone had the front doors closed off right after the show opened. The main entrance was moved 3 doors down (30 steps?). First time that has happened. Just sayin’.

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