Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

2011 RESO Board of Directors Announced.

Newly Elected w/2-year Term

1. David Charron CEO, MRIS
2. Art Carter CEO, MRMLS
3. Rebecca Jensen CEO, Wasatch MLS
4. Robert Overman CTO & VP New Technologies, LPS Real Estate Group
5. Pat Bybee CEO, Metrolist

Returning w/1-Year Term

1. Mark Lesswing SVP / CTO, NAR
2. Jason Normandin Managing Director, CRT
3. Steve Clarke Systems Architect, CoreLogic
4. Mary Frances Adams Business Development, TREND
5. Kristin Carr VP, Realtor Property Resource
6. Paula O’Brien Owner, Ronin Technologies
7. Troy Davisson Developer, FBS FlexMLS

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  2. As a former MLS employee and someone who has MLS in my blood, I’m very happy to see MLS executives, as well at a CTO who represents lots of smaller MLSs, jumping into the mix with RETS. For years there were only 2 or 3 MLSs in the room as RETS was growing. The 4 new folks on the board will surely bring new ideas and new energy. I’m looking forward to working with them!

  3. Pingback: Charron named to RESO 2011 Board of Directors | Resource

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