Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt


My thanks to pocketListings for sponsoring Vendor Alley this month.

pocketListings is a mobile real estate search application that agents can distribute to their prospects just like business cards, prospects can search properties, view details, pictures, mark favorites share with their social network and more. pocketListings is available only through an agent, so unlike other free apps, this has been designed keeping agent’s business in mind so the sponsoring agents can maximize return from their marketing expense.

The app looks well designed and its great to see competition in this space. It’s available for both iPhone and Android. You can also check out their Facebook page.

  1. App 1.5 released…with following features:

    – Facebook Integration – Prospective home buyer can post the app on their wall now.
    – Walk score Integration – Home searchers can see walk-ability to the property

    Coming Up
    – Affiliate Mortgage broker branding in same app
    – Other affiliate branding

Sponsored By Cubi Casa