Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

2010 and beyond

Game changer move/deals of 2010:

MOVE acquiring ListHub.

I was not only impressed in the stealth this deal was made but the ripples it caused throughout the industry.

LPS Real Estate Group resigning GAMLS

LPS’ Paragon MLS system has the rep of not scaling to large MLS systems.  REInsight in their answer.  Signing GAMLS on this new MLS system has put LPS Real Estate Group back in the game with large and Mega MLS providers .  Whether or not a Flash (Adobe Flex) based solution is the right move remains to be seen.

calREDD “merging” with MRMLS, now CRMLS.

calREDD made the right move in shutting down and turning over operations to real MLS professionals.  Art Carter has already had some success by taking over the Southland Regional Assn. (which was previously managed by SoCalMLS), which now brings his membership to about 44,000.  How big will that number be in 2011?

Nick Rapattoni leaving Rapattoni.

This was a shocker.  What the impact may be, only time will tell.

N.A.R. MLS Policy Committee recommending to allow Franchisors to display indexed IDX listings.

One question.  Why restrict advertising around these indexed listings? If NAR wants to help Franchisors compete with sites like Zillow and Trulia, let them compete!

Best new product of 2010:

Cloud CMA.
What the hell else do you think I would say!!??

Vendor Alley “April Fools” post that actually came true!

Aprils Fools Post:

Nick Rapattoni leaves company, starts Death Metal rock band

Real Post

Nick Rapattoni steps down as Rapattoni’s President to pursue music career.

April Fool’s Post

Trulia announces huge profits, employees quit citing “coolness factor”, “gone”.

Real Post

Trulia Clearly Profitable – An Interview With Co-Founder Sami Inkinen

Top Influencers not “listed”

Brian Boero and Marc Davison
Co-founders, 1000watt Consulting
It’s hard to find now and will be harder to find in the future any national real estate websites that will not have Brian and Marc’s finger prints all over them, which is a good thing.

Jay Gaskill
CEO, LPS Real Estate Group
Haven’t heard of him?  That’s fine by Jay.

Mike Wurzer
CEO, FBS Data Systems
Not blogging as much as he has in the past but still one of industry’s most forward thinkers.

Rob Hahn
7DS Associates
His posts are long, wonkish and influential.

Only getting bigger.  Look for their blog/website to really take off in 2011.

What to watch in 2011

Real Living
They just launched a new national website, look for some major innovation coming from these guys next year.  They will surprise you.


I think 2011 will be a pivotal year for NAR’s RPR effort.  They have made some great progress in 2010 and I believe that will continue to happen in 2011, maybe even signing a few Mega MLS providers.  But I also think they will have 3 issues to deal with:

1.  The Money-  In order for their model to work they need coverage.  I don’t think they’ve reached critical mass enough to begin making any real money to start taking off.

2.  Burn Rate – They’ve got an All-Star Team at RPR.  How long before they have to go back to NAR for some more money?  I don’t see that happening in 2011 but you gotta wonder how long is their runway.

3.  Their Products – Brian Larson has already stated that their tax data is not a valid replacement for MLS providers.  And RRP will soon see how hard it is (as any Vendor knows), to get agents/brokers to use their products.  Realtors are a tough sell.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m bullish on RPR, I’d like to see them succeed.  Here’s two ideas.

1.  Share the wealth with MLS providers.
2.  Give any CMA app the ability to include an RVM and other data from RPR.

Big changes in 2011 are in the making, you read it here first.

They made some big moves in 2010.  2011 will be no different.

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  2. Pingback: Notorious R.O.B. – Seven Predictions for 2011, With Music Videos! - Notorious R.O.B.

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