Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Terms of Service gets some teeth!

Troy Rech, of Clareity Security, wrote an excellent detailed post last week (which I’ve added to the Vendor Alley blog roll) about the recent CoStar case involving breaking up a “multi-state, multi-defendant password-sharing network”. I won’t bother to go in to the specifics and to how it might effect MLS providers just go read Troy’s post.

At the heart of the matter is whether MLS providers (or vendors) should be more aggressive with password protection. You can do that a number of ways (of which I’m sure Clareity Security would be happy to discuss). Part of this includes going after member who share (or sell access?) passwords. The ruling really puts some teeth in to Terms of Service (TOS) agreements. Those tiny checkboxes have been given a nasty bite thanks to Uncle Sam.

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