Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Yardi acquires RealTown/InternetCrusade

Interesting move by Yardi. It does get them deeper in the residential real estate game. RealTown is still very popular and IC had run NAR’s Technology Certification in the past. Congrats to Saul, John and the rest of the RealTown team!

[Update: Made a correction to timing of IC’s involvement with NAR]

Media Contacts: Yardi Systems Inc. REEPCO Inc.
Joel Nelson Ashley Ruble-English
800-866-1144 x1255 866-377-0627 x615
Joel.Nelson at yardi dot com Ashley at RealTown dot com

Yardi Systems Acquires Real Estate Electronic Publishing Company Inc.

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – Feb. 1, 2011 – Yardi Systems today announced the acquisition of Real Estate Electronic Publishing Company Inc. (REEPCO).

Headquartered in San Diego, REEPCO owns and operates InternetCrusade® (IC), a national technology training organization for real estate professionals, and RealTown® (www.realtown.com), the industry’s oldest online real estate community. In 2001, IC created the National Association of Realtors’ exclusive Technology Certification Program, which has provided online technology education to more than 65,000 NAR members. IC and RealTown also manage numerous online communities and offer such productivity tools as e-mail and domain services to real estate professionals.

REEPCO’s entire management team and employee population will remain with the company and operate from its San Diego offices.

“With access to REEPCO’s sales channels, publishing and content syndication resources and educational training infrastructure, this acquisition will make many of our new products available to a large number of real estate professionals,” said Anant Yardi, president of Yardi.

About Yardi
Yardi Systems has been committed to the design, development and support of real estate investment management and property management software for nearly 30 years. With its Yardi Multifamily Suite™, Yardi Commercial Suite™ and Yardi Investment Suite™, the Yardi Voyager™ system is the most comprehensive single real estate management platform on the market today. Yardi serves clients around the world from offices in Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. More information about Yardi products and services is available at www.yardi.com.

REEPCO, established in 1995, is best known under the industry trusted InternetCrusade® (IC) brand. IC owns and operates the oldest online real estate community, RealTown (www.RealTown.com), and is recognized for its national broker and agent training infrastructure, having delivered more than 3,600 live technology training programs in the U.S. and Canada. IC created and operated the National Association of Realtors’ exclusive Technology Certification Program (e-PRO®) between 2001 and 2010. The company also created NAR’s Web 2.0 & Social Media Course in 2009.

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  2. NAR and IC no longer do the ePro thing. Bill Lublin of Social Media Marketing institute does that now…. just sayin.

    IC has a good community, but is in need of some design love and some more spirit. Yardi may save it with some fun money. It would be good for me and the community of others who use it.

  3. @Victor Thanks for the clarification. I’ve made the correction. Back in the day “The Three Amigos”, as they were known, did a lot for pushing the real estate industry forward.

    You would be hard pressed to find such a dedicated, honorable group of people who have spent a better part of their lives in pursuit of helping people.

    I look forward to seeing Saul and John’s next chapter.

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