Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Cloud CMA Reigns At MRED

You may have read we launched Cloud CMA with MRED yesterday. It was unlike any product launch we ever experienced. We did have a few hiccups but thanks to the MRED staff and our hosting partner, RailsMachine, everything smoothed out after a few tweaks.

Key to the overall success of this was the integration of Cloud CMA with the connectMLS system. The guys at dynaConnections were a pleasure to work with.

We also implemented something new:

When we started W&R Studios one of the big things we wanted to focus upon was transparency with our customers. Transparency is a word that is thrown out a lot these days. To us we wanted to give our MLS customers, real time access to customer metrics. So we created a Dashboard View for our MLS customers that give real time stats to Cloud CMA user metrics. Here’s what a very small bit of that dashboard looks like:

Our customers love it. All of us were amazed at how many members kept activated their account and at the speed they were creating reports.

Here’s a rundown of some of those metrics for yesterday:

  • Over 830 MRED members activated their Cloud CMA account.
  • Over 840 Cloud CMA reports were generated. Here’s the report type breakdown:

About 60% of those were CMAs
16% of those were Buyer Tours
24% were single Property Reports.

  • Over 9,000 property listings were used to create these reports

The user to create a Cloud CMA report the fastest was Mario Russo. He clocked in at 47 seconds. (Think about that, someone who never used the software figured out how to use it in less than one minute. Can you say “easy to use”?)

This morning we already broke 1,000 users activated.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what you call a hit.

[SOURCE W&R Studios Blog: Lightning|Twice]

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