Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Charles Warnock leaves Dominion Enterprises joins Ellie Mae

I worked with Charles back at eNeighborhoods. He is probably one of the best interactive marketing minds I have ever met. He also could write copy, great copy, faster than anyone I’ve ever seen. He had moved his family to Virginia and began working out of Dominion Enterprises’ head office in Norfolk. While there ee worked on marketing and business development for Homes.com and eNeighborhoods. Now it appears he is moving again, this time to the west coast (Bay Area). I hope that Ellie Mae can utilize his talents to the fullest, Charles is a rock star.

Curiously there seems to be a bit of a “brain drain” happening at Dominion Enterprises, since the departure of division president Peter Ill (although rumor has it Mr. Ill might be entering the space again but in the rentals market, apart from Dominion Enterprises). Craig Gill, EVP of Information Technology has also left along with the departure of Mike Couvillion who was VP of Technical Services and Web Development.

All this on the front of their new product launch, curiously named Homes Connect, where you can “Login Once! Access Everything!” – talk about a value proposition!

  1. Great to see Charles move on to bigger and better! He deserves it. As for as “brain drain” Dominion continues to suck wind..loosing good people and making blunders in a bad market! They only have a few good people left and when they leave the ship will sink for good!

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