Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt


Looks like the final milestone was met. To be honest I’m left a little numb by this news.

On one hand I feel like congratulations are in order for NAR along with the big MLS Vendors and everyone else who participated to make this happen.

On the other hand I just get this sense of foreboding that this isn’t the last of these types of shakedowns.

Just yesterday Google bought Motorola. You would think they did it to create great new Android phones, where they (Google) would control both the hardware and software (similar to Apple). But nope, they did it for the treasure trove of mobile patents Motorola held. It is some sort of Mexican Standoff strategy where if someone pulls the trigger and sues, the other guy will pull the trigger as well.

Something needs to change, and quickly.

See release below:

Realtors(r) Complete Licensing Opportunity with CIVIX-DDI
Contact: Leanne Jernigan
ljernigan at gmail dot com

WASHINGTON (August 16, 2011) – The following is a statement by National Association of Realtors(r) President Ron Phipps:

As of Monday, August 15 the National Association of Realtors(r) has completed a negotiated licensing opportunity with CIVIX-DDI, LLC, the owner of various technology patents, on behalf of the real estate industry. The negotiation included a total payment of $7.5 million in patent license fees to CIVIX. As a result of this action, all Realtor(r) associations, multiple listing services, commercial information exchanges, MLS system vendors, as well as brokers and agents are protected from current and future claims of patent infringement from CIVIX.

The National Association of Realtors(r), “The Voice for Real Estate,” is America’s largest trade association, representing 1.1 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries.


Information about NAR is available at www.realtor.org. This and other news releases are posted in the News Media section.

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