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NAR overhauls Midyear Meetings & Expo format, starting 2012

If you didn’t get the memo it looks like NAR is cutting down the number of days of exhibiting at NAR Midyear from 3 days to 2 days.

The new trade show days/hours are the following:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10AM – 6PM
Martinis at Midyear Reception 4PM – 6PM

Thursday, May 17, 2012 10AM- 6PM

To put things in perspective here’s what the days/hours were this past May.

Wednesday 10AM to 5PM
Thursday 9AM to 5PM
Friday 9AM to 2PM

I like the fact the show doesn’t start till later (10AM), but I’m not sure how staying till 6PM is going to help any.

Sue Gorley states:

“With the new schedule, exhibitors will have the opportunity to network and schedule private meetings with attendees on Tuesday and Friday all day, and before 10:00am/after 6:00pm on Wednesday and Thursday.  Note that NAR will enforce the “no suite meetings” during official Expo hours.”

I personally think the “no suite meetings” during official Expo hours is bullshit. Plus a lot of people looked at Friday for heading home. It will be a tough adjustment to convince vendors and customers to stay for a 3PM meeting on Friday.

What do you think?

Here’s the copy of the email that was sent out:


Dear 2012 Midyear Exhibitor,

Based on your feedback in surveys and discussions, we are pleased to announce a change to the 2012 Midyear Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo.

You have told us that exhibit hours at Midyear are longer than needed, Friday is a less productive day, and you would like to see exclusive hours for attendees to come to the Expo.

As a result, we have changed the 2012 Midyear Expo schedule to:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:00am – 6:00pm

Martinis at Midyear Reception 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Thursday, May 17, 2012 10:00am – 6:00pm

NAR is clearing the schedule of programs from 5:00pm-6:00pm each day, providing you two exclusive hours for the Expo.

With the new schedule, exhibitors will have the opportunity to network and schedule private meetings with attendees on Tuesday and Friday all day, and before 10:00am/after 6:00pm on Wednesday and Thursday. Note that NAR will enforce the “no suite meetings” during official Expo hours.

We will continue to offer the same great advertising and sponsorships including traffic building opportunities such as Cash In & Win and food & beverage events on the Expo floor.

While the price for booth space will remain the same, the new two-day schedule and changes will help exhibitors to increase their ROI and reduce costs with one less expo day, providing longer straight time move-out hours on Friday and a reduction in daily costs such as cleaning and other services.

We appreciate all of the feedback from you and we hope that the changes in 2012 will be positive and profitable!

Thank you for support and for exhibiting at the 2012 Midyear Expo.


Sue Gourley
Vice President, Conventions

  1. My personal opinion is that NAR should eliminate the DC trade show and have just the one in November. That way vendors like Cloud CMA can focus on making real enhancements to their products rather than concentrating on vaporware to push at all the shows. I know you have all the state meetings and CMLS toward the end of the year – we don’t need a May show as well.

    Russ B.

  2. Two questions- 1-Will the cost of booth space be discounted by a third?
    2-Has anyone ever been busted doing a suite presentation during Expo hours? I mean, do they actually ram the suite doors down, guns drawn and scream “Ah Ha! Gotcha you no good cheatin’ vendor! This is your last year here!”
    Reminder note to Katie: Bar the door.

  3. Sooooo, I wonder when they will schedule the “Hill Visits”? Usually during the EXPO me thinks. I doubt that allowing a few “suite” meetings REALLY cuts down on the EXPO visits….does it?

  4. The change I wish they’d make is getting the vendors and Expo hall out of the basement and onto a less chopped up floorplan. It is hard to navigate the existing space. I don’t think the hours will make a difference. Personally, I’d rather work earlier than than later.

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