Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Interview with Matt Cohen on new IDX policy changes.

I’m in Minneapolis this week and had a chance to hook up with Matt Cohen. There is a lot of discussion going on regarding the IDX PAG recommendations. You can read Matt’s comments on this subject on his blog here.

I haven’t done any interviews of this type before (so pardon my flubs) but Matt was kind enough to share his thoughts with me about these upcoming policy changes. Enjoy.

  1. Great service Greg……i would lose the background music….it was a bit distracting…..the discussion on RSS was fantastic…..I suggest that CMLS take a position that RSS is not ready for prime time yet

  2. @Ron, we did the video shoot at a hotel and they had music playing through the speakers we couldn’t turn off.

  3. Pingback: Only Five Days Until the CMLS Call on IDX Rule Changes : CMLS

  4. Pingback: Today’s the Day! 4pm Eastern Call re: Proposed IDX Changes : CMLS

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