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Great Cloud CMA review…

Sorry for the shameless plug but wanted to point out a great Cloud CMA review on GeekEstateBlog. The reviewer is Daniel Beer who is an active agent at Santaluz Real Estate, he focuses on real estate in San Diego. Here’s an excerpt…

Cloud CMA is by far my favorite new toy I have come across, not just this year, but in the last several.

Why? Because it gives me two things I desperately want. Efficiency (time) and professionalism. In an industry that sometimes stinks of cheese, Cloud CMA reports look great, professional, and best of all, they take only minutes more than printing out a sad little basic CMA from your MLS. The extra minutes look like hours to your clients, making you look like a superstar.”

You can read the whole post here:

How Cloud CMA Helped Me Win Over A Home Seller

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