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Vendor Alley 2012 Holiday Gift Guide

Back by popular demand is our 2012 Holiday Gift Guide. I’ve searched the interwebs to find the best things to get your favorite Vendor. Enjoy.

Griffin PowerJolt Duel

This thing is so good you are going to head back to the rental car station to retrieve it.

25 Foot Slim SVGA Cable

The great thing about this cable is how thin they made the wire. Perfect to carry for hooking in to the flat panel TV at the hotel suite or your projector for the next big demo. Why 25′? You have enough length to position your laptop/iPad where you want.

1960s IBM 13.5 Standard Issue Clock

I just love the atheistic of this clock, and the geek in me loves the backstory. Time is important so this perfect for your workshop or office.

Anti Slip-Pad by Uguard

This is great to help keep your smartphone at the ready in your car.

Is Your Love Big Enough? – Lianne La Havas

I love, love, love chick singers. Lianne is incredible. Favorite Track: Forget.

Swiss+Tech UKCSB-1 Utili-Key 6-in-1 Keychain Multi-Tool

Need to open that box with your order forms and sales flyer at your booth but TSA didn’t let you carry on your leatherman? No worries, this little goodie is a perfect way to sail through security and open your beer later. (thanks to Kevin Greene for this submission)

If you have any other ideas please feel free to add them to the comments.

Happy Holidays!!!


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